I Vivai al Parugiano. A dialogue between landscape, architecture and light.
In a perfect balance between memory and innovation, "I Vivai al Parugiano" in Montemurlo reveals how...
Designing with and for the community
Observing the starry sky is almost impossible in today’s urban areas, large or small. We have slowly...
Design, light and well-being to promote inclusive sport
The Swiss Bike park is a unique place, it is a training and experience platform dedicated to the bik...
Luce e Materia nell'Arena del design (ENG)
Arena is a place designed by Michele De Lucchi imagined as an agora, a place for discussion and lear...
Digital Beam
Simes aims at developing the idea of a simple, dynamic and digital light. Through Digital beam techn...
A new culture of light
The Light+Building international fair is the stage for innovation, the place to show the results ach...
Il benessere della luce - Dr Shelley James (ENG)
"Too many people have a low-light diet: you can work better, dance better, read better, digest bette...
Ghost concrete, insulation panels and breeze blocks
La gamma Ghost nasce da un’idea semplice ma rivoluzionaria che grazie a un’attenta ingegnerizzazione...
The dream of light - Interview with Roberto Botti, GM of Simes S.p.A.
“Where does IP System® originate from? From a dream, from a vision. But above all from a deep and sh...
Design with light - Nikos Adrianopoulos
“An architectural project is born indissolubly linked to something interesting, like light that can ...
Euroluce 2023 Writing with light
Simes took part in Euroluce 2023, a highly successful edition that restored Milan's role as the capi...